Our team

Saulė Ražienė, PhD. Full professior of Institute of Psychology of Mykolas Romeris University. Saulė has participated in both national and international research projects. Her publications cover broad range of topics: parenting, learning environment, students’ well-being.

Ingrida gabrialavičiūtė, PhD. Lecturer of Institute of Psychology of Mykolas Romeris University.Ingrida worked as educational psychologist in special education facility for 10 years. She has participated in various social project and research projects. Her publications cover the links between various aspects of school environments and students’ well-being.

Renata Garckija, Msc, Certified Europsy Clinical/Health psychologist. Lecturer of Institute of Psychology of Mykolas Romeris University. Renata has participated in national and international research projects. She is a co-author of articles on parenting, school environment, well-being of both preschool children and adolescents.